
Friday, August 20, 2010

# Pagi Yang Indah #

Ohayyo Gozaimasssu!!!! Rase fresh sangat hari ni. Insyaallah, ade perkara baik nak berlaku agaknye. Hehehehe...

Hrmmm... Pagi tadi sampai ofis kol 8.02 a.m. Sayang jer, lewat 2 minit, kalo tak da bleh dpt elaun kedatangan rm/hari..hehehe.

Takde apa yang best sangat arini sbb baru kol 10 pagi...hehehe. Hari ni best sket sebab Big Boss & semua Bos-Bos takde... So hurrayyy!!! la sekejap.. =)

Insyaallah petang ni nak berbuka ngan my BF...hope tak ujan, kalo tak kene tangguh lagi..frust jer..huhuhu..hepi sangat nak berbuka ngan die sebab rase cam lame jer tak jumpe ;)

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

.: DIA :.

Hari ni genap sembilan hari umat islam berpuasa...masih belum terlambat lagi untuk aku ucapkan 'SELAMAT MENYAMBUT BULAN RAMADHAN AL-MUBARAK BAGI SELURUH UMAT ISLAM & SELAMAT MENJALANI IBADAH DENGAN PUNUH KHUSYUK DAN TAWADHAK' (hehehe)..

Actually, takde ape yg special pon...aku menulis kat sini just nak kongsi perasaan yang hepi ngan semua...aku asyik teringatkan seseorang yang aku sayang iaitu Muhammad Ubaidillah Salleh, my beloved boyfriend..hehehe..

Tadi aku terbukak satu folder picture kat laptop aku ni..then, ternampak pic die...rase best sgt tgk pic die sweet!!!! geram jer tgk...hehehe (thats my bebehhh!!!)

Miss you so much baby....bile la dpt jumpe kn? sepanjang ramadhan ni lom dpt jumpe die lg...lom sempat buke & sahur same...tahun ni, masok tahun kedua kitorg sambut puasa bersama..hope raye pon bersama lagi..hehehe..Ha, bazar pon lom dapat gi same2 lagi taw... =)

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Relationship Hints

=>Laughter is the best medicine, so laugh together
=>Love your differences, they make you interesting.
=>Pay attention to the small stuff, adapt or work out the little irritations before they become huge.
=>Solve things together.
=>Be connected to each other and your family, friends, etc.
=>Make happy moments and remember them often.

For a relationship to have a solid foundation to build on you need:

*Caring about each other
*Respect for each others needs
*Communication between each other
*Truth with each other on all things big and small
*Commitment to each other and the relationship you have!

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

satay oh satay..!!!!

lame tak makan satay...hehehe...last makan satay awal tahun kot...bulan 3 or 4...tu pon my dear bobby yang ajak...hehehe

arini bos yang blanjer makan satay...bak kate orang rezeki jangan ditolak, maut jangan dicari...erm, cmne la mau kurus ni...huhuhu...nnt my dear marah kalo tak jage makan...hehehe...

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

hope tak ujan malam ni

ermmm, xmo la ujan malam ni.nak beger free dari DIA...hehehe..rindu la kat DIA..kalo ujan skang takpe la..hehehe...kalo nak ujan malam ni pon, lepas dapat beger free la..hehehe...erm, rase cam tak seles jer ha...

one more last day OJT(on job training)..hehehe..nanti nak kua jer ngan DIA..lame da kitorang tak jalan2..tengok muvi... hmmm :-)

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perot oh perot !!!

alahai!!! pagi2 da sakit perot...huhuhu..da ler pose, perot lapo + meragam...cmne tu ek??? erm,terpakse gagahkan diri ke toilet... bile sakit perot ni da bercampur, tak taw la nak cakap camne sakit die...sabo jer la...huhuhu.. actually, my boy pon sakit perot gak tp die tak pose, takpe la..hehehe..
okay la, time to work now...selamat bekerja semua... hehehe

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

blockbuster moviee!!!

TWILIGHT SAGA ECLIPSE ~ mau nonton ngn my dear BObbY...hehehe...x sabo nye nk abes OJT...bley date puas2!!! hehehe... =) =D

PREDATOR ~ last week nonton ngn nina & yan...hehehe..bezzzz

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meriahnye berbuka hari ni

alhamdulillah kenyang akhirnya...hehehe. berbuka ramai2 ha..berbuka kat ofis jer..ramai gak staff yg lom balik lagi..ade plak org belanja nasi goreng...dpt la isi perot ni..balik umah kang da tak payah risau nak makan ape..hehehe..

rupanya arini 1 syaaban...dpt la pahala sunat..hehhehe..rase cm nk berpuase je bulan syaaban ni...ganti puasa pon lom abes lagi..hehehe.

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editor room

hari ni bilik opis kitorg da macam bilik editor jer...kene buat correction tok buku2 sekolah...hmmm, pening kepala bile nak kene baca & betolkan ayat2 kat buku tu... bahasa melayu da la tunggang terbalik jer, kalo english lagi la pening...ngan grammar la, ape la...huhuhuhu...

da la takde softcopy..kene scan then betol kan kat photoshop then kat words lak..sabo jer la kn???? tu baru bahasa melayu. yang islamic studies plak, tak taw la camne...serabut jer...hmmmm

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Bila La Duit Ptptn Nak Masuk Ni....huhuhu

erm...poket semakin kering ni..duit blanje pn takde..huhuhu..nak mintak ayah duit cam segan je kan?? nak mintak kat akak2 pn segan gak..huhuhu..sabau je la menanti..harap2 esok ade la nama aku ditampal untuk payment ni..sedih tol la duit takde ni..makan pon asyik orang belanja je..naik segan di buatnya..huhuhu

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jack N Rose

~jack time aktif

~y dpn ni rose n y blakang jack

inilah jack n rose..pengubat hati dikala duka..hehehe..inilah binatang peliharaan aku y pertama..kongsi ngn die..baru jer beli ari senin lepas..cute sgt 'diorg' ni..hehehe..bile ade diorg ni xla bosan n sunyi sgt..tgk pn x diorg x aktif sgt, maybe lom seswai kn diri kt tempat br kot..teringin sgt nk men2 ngan diorg..tiap pg mesti say 'hello' n sblm tdo pn mesti letak diorg kt tepi katil..hehehe..x sbr nk tgk diorg membesar..

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